
Give Us Your Listing...We will Give You the World!

In addition to our global portals, commercial property sellers can now have their properties listed on agent and broker sites across the USA and around the world encouraging global cooperation. Benefits include:

Global visibility for your property listing on the world's first International MLS [IMLS]® and the IMLS Search, as well as by our exporting data feeds with your listing to many International real estate portals

More and more people from around the world are buying property outside of their own country or region

The IMLS Search is found on many websites throughout the world. From Florida to Spain, from France to Los Angeles, The IMLS Search has already been delivered to agents and brokers to generate client referrals to other agents and brokers throughout the world

For greatest exposure of your property, having your property listed on The IMLS will increase your property's exposure throughout the world

Expert representation on the local level from our experienced real estate brokers or agency partners

Working with the IMLS

If you would like us to suggest one of the participating agents and brokers in The IMLS, please contact us at

Expand the potential reach of your property listing and the number of potential buyers by seeing that your property is listed with The IMLS and The IMLS Commercial thru one of our local experts