Partner with IMLS and provide IMLS memberships for your agents
All listings will be on the Global portal, as well as on agent and broker sites across the USA and around the world...automatically!
Members get Agent Directory listings for every city they service & access to The IMLS members platform
Agents can select special product options and opportunities
NO competing advertising of other agents on your listing page
Your listing--YOUR lead
No For Sale By Owner listings
SEE how an MLS/Association introduced The IMLS to their agents!
Simplify this For Your Members with Single Signup Option! [SSO]
Accepting both SAML and Auth0
Nominal cost based on the # of agents. CONTACT US to learn more
Get more listings!
Promise sellers guaranteed global exposure on The IMLS home page!
If one of your listings sells--post another
Available for IMLS Premier Luxury Agents only
Space is limited--Two sizes available
Name: Adrianne Arnold
Company: ABC Realty
Agent#: 954 389 5678
Company#: (610)527-9876
Adrianne Arnold is the very best agent you can ever find. With 21 years of experience selling residential estate, I can negotiate and close aggrements with ease. In the past 5 years I have sold more than $100,000,000 in real estate and am known for my oustanding service. In the past 3 years, I have even own my company's Golden Circle Award. Since I also believe in giving back, I am also on numerous charitable boards.
Name: Adrianne Arnold
Company: PIR Realty
Agent#: 954 389 3988
Company#: (610)527-1234
Paradise International Realty is company established in 1948 and is the #1 real estate agency in mythical Excellence County, We have more than 500 agents ready to server your needs and who are experts in their respective geographic area. We provide outgoing training for all of our agents as well as excellent support to make your home buying or selling experience the best that you have ever experience.
Your website visitors search for properties on your OWN URL! Installation resource available*
You Must First Become An IMLS Member. 5th choice available with rotating photos.
*Selected technology partner available to assist all installations for a nominal fee.
Get your own IMLS Framed page with search and Google Translate listings in 100+ countries in 100+ languages & YOU capture the leads! SEE OPTIONS!
Complete affordable Mobile Friendly solution with all the features of a local real estate site in 100+ languages along with these IMLS features
*Mobile Friendly Site
Access to Standard Features
Add unlimited listings
Add unlimited pages
Integrate your IDX/MLS
Integrate your International MLS [IMLS]® web page with IMLS/IDX search
Integrate your IMLS New Homes search
*Mobile Friendly Site
Home Page Slide Show (1-4 images)
Access to Standard Features
Access to Premium Features
Add unlimited listings
Add unlimited pages
Integrate your IDX/MLS
Integrate your International MLS [IMLS]® web page with IMLS/IDX search
Integrate your IMLS New Homes search
Home Page Quick Search (Internal Listings Only)
*Built in Support System
*Live Phone Support
*365 Day After Hour Support
*Mobile Friendly Site
Home Page Slide Show (1-4 images)
Access to Standard Features
Access to Premium Features
Add unlimited listings
Add unlimited pages
Save Listings Search
New Listings by E-mail
Integrate your International MLS [IMLS]® web page with IMLS/IDX search
Integrate your IMLS New Homes search
*Premium IDX by iHomeFinder Home Page IDX Quick Search [Pass Thru fee not included – Price Based on board]
IMLS websites are available to IMLS members only. You may purchase websites when selecting your membership plan or after you become a member by going into your members area and clicking on the website graphic.
*All monthly website plans have a 12 month annual commitment.
IMLS websites in 100+ languages with Framed Page & IMLS Search. New Homes platform coded & integrated. A complete real estate solution at a discount! SEE HERE
Be a Featured Agent on the search results pages
Only 3 agents/brokers displayed for each town/city
Be one of the top 3 agents shown on our Agent Directory for the town/city chosen
Once that area is's GONE!
Build your brand and get leads!
Limited opportunity—Have the first right to renew your spot
Secure your Featured Agent spots after becoming an IMLS member and creating your Agent Directory listing
To become a member and secure your Featured Agent spot close the popup and Click on one of the Get Started Today buttons
After becoming a member, login to the secure members area
Click the Featured Agents tab on top
Select and Secure your area
Brand yourself as a global Premier Luxury Agent with The International MLS [IMLS]® & get the competitive advantage to get listings--Only $199/YR!
Leverage the Trademarked Brand of The International MLS [IMLS]® with our Licensing/Marketing rights
Have our slogan and trademark on your sign riders, postcards and flyers
Not just on The MLS…Now On The International MLS [IMLS]®
IMLS logo or membership badges for use on websites and for marketing materials brought to listing presentations, for any direct solicitation or advertising to sellers via print, mailings, e-mailings, email stationery and/or media advertising
The IMLS sign rider graphics
Login to the secure members area
Click the Premier Luxury Agents tab on top
Select and Purchase
Join The IMLS and become a Premier Luxury Agent to get The IMLS logos, badges and sign rider graphics, click on the Get Started button below
USA City $49/YR. International Region $99/YR. Available In Your Member’s Area After Creating Your Agent Directory listing
You arrange to send us your listings & member roster feeds SEE MemberRoster Feed Spec
We load your listings and create individual memberships with an Agent/Broker Directory listing automatically for all your members
Property listings are updated daily and agent roster feeds are updated weekly automatically
We send you an editable PPT that you can use to send to your members about how to get started and shows the discounts on various IMLS products and opportunities that they can have thru your MLS Member Benefits plan
We will prepare a joint PR release for your editing and input, as well as provide online webinar links/demos of everything The IMLS offers
You launch to your agents!
If you have Single Signup Option [SSO]--we will provide access for your agents from your own platform on to their own IMLS Member area
Accepting both SAML and Auth0 metadata types
Connect us with your MLS SSO Provider and we will make the connection
You place the coded graphic icon on to your dashboard for your members to click
In addition to having their listings on The IMLS and all IMLS searches distributed globally, IMLS members can now easily syndicate their listings around the world!
Advertise on 100+ portals in 60+ countriesthrough our global network of portals and reach millions of potential buyers [144.8 M est. potential buyers]
Listings are syndicated from a member’s login area Global Syndication screen
Agents may obtain an approved MLS-RESO feed link matching our Data Specs if available from their local MLS with their own listings with Broker’s approval or may enter their listings manually in their area designated specifically for syndication
***Listings are never syndicated from an MLS or Association master feed Argentina
China Colombia
French Polynesia
Hong Kong
Hong Kong
50+ portals not shown
Get the IMLS International Search Pages for your website with residential & commercial listings in 100+ Countries & 100+ languages
Capture leads & generate referrals
Five pages to choose from
SEE an IMLS International Search Pages
Get IMLS Global Luxury Agent member badges for your websites & marketing materials for listing presentations, any solicitations or advertising via print, mailings, e-mailings, and email stationery. IMLS Global Luxury Agent sign rider graphics also included SEE HERE!
Marketing listing presentation page for your website and in Print! SEE HERE!
Promise your seller a Featured Listing on The IMLS home page! LEARN MORE
Get more listings!
Promise sellers guaranteed global exposure on The IMLS home page!
If one of your listings sells--post another
Available for IMLS Premier Luxury Agents only
Space is limited--Two sizes available
The IMLS brings together developers and our Agent/Broker members, empowering IMLS members with an International New Home Developments search platform to help generate sales on new homes locally, across the USA, and around the world
The IMLS protects agents with an UNBranded New Homes search platform delivery. Your clients cannot see the name &/or contact info of the developer or development and must send an inquiry form to you to find out more about the development
USA Developments: Bring your clients to see them if local, or you may refer the client to another agent if outside your local market
International developments: Display all the new home developments and earn a referral fee upon any successful sale
The IMLS provides you with a full web delivery to place on your own website with lead forms coded for you
*Share these developments with your clients directly on the web, via email or on Social Media and attract buyers off your own New Homes search platform!
Included with all IMLS memberships!
Get your listings at the top of the search results pages for all cities in a region on The IMLS and on all International search pages!.
3 Featured Listings avaliable per region
Limited Opportunity
Be viewed more and get more leads
Once that area is Gone...It's GONE!
Have the first right to renew your spot
Become An IMLS Commercial Member & Get Global Exposure For Your Commercial Listings
Get Your listings Syndicated To 100+ Portals in 60+ Countries & Shared With agents Globally SEE HERE
Get more listings!
Promise sellers guaranteed global exposure on The IMLS home page!
If one of your listings sells--post another
Available for IMLS Premier Luxury Agents only
Space is limited--Two sizes available