IMLS Commercial Agent Member

Add your listings on to our platform manually or by data feed

Listings also go on and are syndicated globally to 100+ portals in 60+ countries

400,000+ IMLS Agents can display your listings and refer you a client from leads off an IMLS search page on their website LEARN MORE

Memberships come with an Agent Directory listing

Add your photo or logo as well as a text description about yourself or your company to all of your listings LEARN MORE

Get a Featured Listing on our Home Page LEARN MORE

Become An IMLS Commercial Member

 Global exposure for your listings on, and all IMLS searches distributed globally SEE HERE

 Properties syndicated to 100+ Global Portals in 60+ countries LEARN MORE

 Syndication Included With IMLS Commercial Membership

 All listings come with 10 photos and your logo

 All memberships include an Agent Directory listing!

 Enhance your listings with your logo and text description about you LEARN MORE

 Get a Featured Listing on our Home Page LEARN MORE

 Upgrade your plan at any time SEE HERE

Membership Plan Annual Membership Plan 3 Months Annual Membership Plan 3 Months Annual
1 Listings up at a time $499/Yr Up to 50 listings on at a time $999 $3,699/Yr Up to 250 listings on at a time $3,499 $12,499/Yr
Up to 4 listings on at a time $799/Yr Up to 100 listings on at a time $1,849 $6,899/Yr Up to 500 listings on at a time $5,599 $19,999/Yr
Up to 10 listings on at a time $1,199/Yr Up to 150 listings on at a time $2,499 $8,999/Yr Up to 750 listings on at a time $6,999 $24,999/Yr
Up to 25 listings on at a time $1,999/Yr Up to 200 listings on at a time $3,029 $10,799/Yr Up to 1000 listings on at a time $8,399 $29,999/Yr

For larger listing plans or any other questions please CONTACT US

Companies with 50+ listings paying annually or 250+ listings paying on a 3 mo plan may send us a roster feed & all your agents will become members with an Agent Directory listing See Roster Spec

For data feeds, see our Data Specs

Currency Converter CLICK HERE

NO Advertising of other agents on your listing page

Membership Plans Can Be Upgraded At Any Time!

Your listing---YOUR lead

Important Information SEE HERE



IMLS Home Page Listing : Be on The IMLS Commercial Home Page -- 24 spots available -- 6 months Package LEARN MORE   Contact US

Featured Agents

The International MLS [IMLS]® Commercial Agent Directory

Create your own Agent Directory listing and be found by buyers, sellers, and agents from all over the world

Included with any IMLS membership

Add all of your service areas, real estate designations, license # and more

Tell the world all ABOUT yourself!

Update your photo or Agent Directory page at any time

Build your brands and enhance your listings with your photo or logo and a brief description of you and/or your company included with all Commercial memberships

Name: Adrianne Arnold

Company: ABC Realty Company

Agent#: 954 389 5678

Company#: (610)527-9876

Adrianne Arnold is the very best agent you can ever find. With 21 years of experience selling real estate, I can negotiate and close agreements with ease. In the past 5 years I have sold more than $100,000,000 in real estate and am known for my outstanding service. In the past 3 years, I have even own my company's Golden Circle Award. Since I also believe in giving back, I am also on numerous charitable boards.



Name: Adrianne Arnold

Company: ABC Realty

Agent#: 954 389 3988

Company#: (610)527-1234

ABC Realty is a company established in 1948 and is the #1 real estate agency in mythical Excellence County. We have more than 500 agents ready to serve your needs and who are experts in their respective geographic area. We provide outgoing training for all of our agents as well as excellent support to make your home buying or selling experience the best that you can ever experience.



THE IMLS Commercial Provides A Complete Global Solution

* Do NOT copy and paste Email / Password into form

After you login you can change your password in the Manage Account area

Manage account: Change password and/or update your account details.

Post your property listings manually or by data feeds*

Add your Agent Directory listing to be found by consumers and agents

Enhance your listings with your photo/logo, text description and double photos for each listing

All listings syndicated globally to 100+ portals in 60+ countries

Global Syndication

Advertise on 100+ portals in 60+ countries CLICK HERE

Syndication Included With IMLS Commercial Membership

Promote your properties worldwide through our global network of portals. Reach millions of potential buyers [144.81 M potential buyers]

Reach foreign buyers and get 3x more performance on the biggest international network. Publish now in Australia, France and China

In addition to having your listings on The IMLS/Commercial, The IMLS and all IMLS searches distributed globally, your listings will be syndicated automatically to 100+ global portals in 60+ countries attracting 145m+ viewers a month

You must be an IMLS member and have your listings on The IMLS

IMLS Members

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Click the Syndication Tab on top

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Become A Member

Post your listings manually or add your data feed in your members login area in the Post Listings area and your listings will be syndicated automatically!

Become an IMLS Member now